I have a thought
I have certain feelings
That could never be bought
I can imagine
I can mind bend
Create unique concepts
That help me transcend
Everyday life
Is one thing
But don't be limited to that
Let your thoughts come alive
Mould your own habitats
I say to you
Like I would've said to myself
When I was younger
If I could have
I say to you
You are born full of treasure
Full access is yours
Limitless, amazing realms to discover
As your life gently occurs
They teach you all kinds of things
On the outside
Tools they believe you will need
As some of it is useful
To help you to grow and to succeed
But the best stuff
My dear friends
Nobody else can ever reveal
It resides deep inside you
A gold mine
Boundless in vitality and value
How to access?
Well, that is for you to figure out
But the most important thing is first
To trust, to believe in yourself
Not to doubt
Heed what I am saying
For over a long life
I have discovered
Innate wisdom
A fine kingdom
Far beyond crude limitations of
Categories and egoism
Far beyond learnt narrations of
Simple glories and competition
Beyond everyday callings
Real world obligations
Physical longings
Daily frustrations
I'm talking
A whole new paradigm
The infinite, soulful magic
That awaits to be born from your mind
It is there
It is yours
To uncover and to find
So seek, search, strive
To satiate your hunger
For something bigger, greater, truer
More pure, better designed
No matter how obscure it may seem
Don't mind
The most amazing thing you will ever know
Is the magnificence of your authentic light
And the ironic truth is
That finding your way through the blackest darkness
Is the way that you will find it
So fear not
And forge forward
Trust, seek, surrender
To your soul
And where it leads