Fading but not forgotten
Fortune's favourite song
Keep pushing that replay button
Did you ride high in the sky that day?
Did you holler with pride, screech with joy?
Was the whole world yours for that moment?
Tell me, was it unreal, did it haphazardly happen?
Your one of a kind, unique and special favourite story?
We all have them stored away safely
Some shouted out in barrooms
Some still secret between just you and them
A few even made the papers maybe
Some just make you want to go back again
But you don't get second chances
In this showreel, fluttering, fleeting
And no returns, no two time burns
The drums just keep on beating
So move on to new peaks and pinnacles
You haven't finished until the end
Do not be dragged down by the mundane or the clinical
You've got the reputation of your lifetime to defend
Fire up
Loosen out
Grind and grind some more
Chin up
Crush the doubt
Power aid your core
With every thousand new dreams
One true adventure is born
Honour your primitive need
To be ignited, invited, reborn
You are still breathing, aren't you?
Then there is hope, there are chances
For in the end, you want to be there laughing, wild eyed
As your skeleton does it's majestic final dances