Feels like they’re getting better
Not just for me but for family and friends
Last year was a killer
Now a gradual easing of tightness
A gentle swing towards chilled
A subtle increase of brightness
A few simple wishes being fulfilled
It could just be coincidence
But it feels like something more
A shift in the paradigm
A hint of better times
On many levels the world is in a crisis
The powers that be are corrupt and malignant
To the disenfranchised, the many are banding together
To make a change, set some limits
Voice their aggrievment
No longer content to sit back in silence
We’re connecting, joining forces
To improve our social situation, our environment
Through unified opposition, new approaches, discourse
Things are on the upswing
Feels like they are improving
Despite blatant, crooked opposition
From the self serving dimwits ruling
There’s a groundswell
A shake up, happening
And just as well
We so desperately need a full rebalancing
Crisis point has been surpassed
In this current state we will not last
We need to celebrate our differences
Rectify injustices
Transform the gap in class
Spread the wealth more fairly
Jettison our useless government
Who does nothing but aggravate our ailments
Same old story
But it’s getting stale
Too many enduring
A protracted hellish
It’s time to push back
Show resistance
Release our true passions
With determination and persistence
Accept each other as we are
With equality and acceptance
To form a new and vital
Loving coexistence