Out there somewhere is your perpetual partner, your soul connection, your complimentary coochy-koo.
Out there somewhere is the happiness and contentment you yearn for.
Out there somewhere is the skill and drive you require to make your creative dreams bloom.
Out there somewhere... is a lot of stuff that would be useful.
What is it doing out there?
Why does it not come in?
In here.
In here where we huddle. Sometimes, so sad and lonely, incomplete. Unsatisfied and forlorn. Misguided and ill conceived.
Why does it remain in the realm of the unattainable?
Is life itself just a tease, a game that cannot be won, a shambolic, meaningless joke?
No. Couldn't be. It's all worth it. You have to take the bad with the good. Hmm... well, now. Where's the balance?
No point in complaining. That's true. But venting is OK. Surely, venting is allowed. This vexing maze is confounding and depleting.
If you are looking for answers - I can offer but one: maybe.
Maybe one day things will be different. Better.
Maybe it will all be worth it. In the end.
Maybe circumstances are really, truly just about to change. And all will be transformed.
Rainbow stuff.
Until then, we make do. We do our best with what we've got. And in our own ramshackle way, as a race, we are kind of alright. Messed up, sure. Somewhat deviant, indeed. Tangled and frayed - hallelujah!
But we keep going. We keep trying. Despite it all.
Acceptance? Shall we give it a go? And carry on?
We have little choice in that regard. And yet, life is so full of choices. Maybe it's best not to try and work things out. Just to be grateful and put your head down while holding it up high at the same time.
Maybe, maybe. Maybe the challenge is to transcend - through a stoic and inexplicable inner faith - to transcend the churning reality plane - and find the ephemeral layer of optimism that resides beyond defeat and despair. That fleeting glimpse of 'out there somewhere'. Just enough of a credible notion that when invested in with hope and determination it will lift us up and carry us beyond the black clouds and the mud stucking.
What I am saying is, I suppose, is when all you are offered is a sliver - you take it - and grab the edges, pry them open. We are learning through our yearning.
Eventually, forever will be now again. Until then: er, whatever!
Rainbow stuff. LOL.